How to create a dynamic subdomain on your domain.

In this article you will learn how to set up a subdomain like to forward to a dynamic ip address. Sometimes your ISP may change your ip address, this is how you can ensure that your is always updated.

STEP 1. The first step is to create your new subdomain in the DNS Entry.

1. Login to your cPanel at

2. Enter the Advanced DNS Zone Editor

3. Create your subdomain.
Name : can be any domain at all.
TTL : The normal Time to Live is 14400 seconds (This is how long the DNS servers should remember the entry you are creating. If your IP changes VERY often, you may want to reduce this number.)
Type : CNAME
CNAME : Name your location, and then make it at would be a valid example.

STEP 2. Now that your CNAME record is on our server, you'll need to update the dynamic ability.

1. If you dont' already have a free account with you can sign up for one here: If you do have one, you can sign in to your account here: This is the company you will manage your dynamic subdomain @ with.

2. Enter the domain Registry by click the tab on the left or click this link:

3. Search for Then click on the result.

4. Enter the same domain that you defined above into the Subdomain field. Add your IP address into the Destination field. We will look at setting up the dynamic ability in just a minute. If you need help determining what the IP address is of your current connection you could try using

5. Read the help section at afraid's Dynamic DNS page located here: This page has programs you can run, and instructions on how to make your router update the entry automatically.

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